From a local publication dated October of 1979, the "wave" of purported (UFO)sightings reported from various
parts of the Philippines has reached a point enough to cause quite a stir from both the military and civilian establishments.
One of these sighting incidents involved an American and a member of the Peace Corps Volunteer group assigned at the Eagle
Center in Davao who reportedly declared, to wit:
". . .that he and 600 others saw a UFO emit flashes of light over Mt. Apo. . . and
landed afterwards in a nearby barrio in full view of the villagers present for about 20 minutes. RON KRUPPA
is not one who could be ignored because he is a member of the Film and Research for the Endangered Environment based
in the United States. . "
The truth is that only Mr. Kruppa and his assistant observed the object and nothing was mentioned (in Kruppa's
own narrative report to Mr. Gatia) about the other "600 others". . .and that the object NEVER made a "landing" in any nearby
village nor anywhere at all. . .
Accordingly, from Mr. Kruppas own narrative account sent to the Phlippine Center for Aerial Phenomenon
Studies (PCAPS), it was about 8:00 in the morning and they were preparing for another day's work at the Eagle Center,
which begins with the feeding of the raptors. At that point, the eagle was making a sound and was observed to be looking
upwards, usually an indication that another raptor is flying overhead.
Sure enough there was another raptor in flight but Kruppa's attention was caught by what appeared to be
a "bright star" in the blue of the morning sky.
Curiously, Mr. Kruppa grabbed his pair of binocs and with the instrument, he observed the "object" resembled
similarly to a large smooth-surfaced "ball bearing", perfectly spherical in shape, with what appeared to be two
"antennae-like" appendages extending from the object- one horizontally from the side of the object, and the other, vertically,
from the bottom part of the object.
The bottom end of the vertical appendage was intermittently emitting a kind "flash" effect (which gave the
witness the "impression" that the object was "taking photos" of the land below it. . .) at regular intervals.
The apparition lasted for some 20 minutes when the object just simply "faded" from sight (like it just "vanished"
in thin air) at around 8:20 that morning.